at Fairmont
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About the Diseases..
(This sentence is .. long)
Since 2020, the values of the world have changed dramatically.
And I think more and more people are "noticing".
The ability to discern information is more important than ever.
Please don't just receive information; if you have a question, look it up.
A lot of health information is also flowing in one after another.
What kind of nutrition should I take?
Let's think first!
There are many kinds of diseases.
When and what kind of disease do we get?
What is the really scary disease among them?
This talk is about how to avoid getting "diseases with a high risk of death".
This story is also related to the prevention of aging.
It is also about avoiding skin and hair problems such as hair loss, gray hair, atopic skin, etc.
I have summarized the words of “Dr. Toshiaki Yoshino” a Japanese super doctor whom I respect.
I trust him because he speaks out without Concession with a "Truth" that most doctors can’t say.
What is a “Phagotic disease” ?
Our bodies are made of the food we eat.
This is also true for the mind.
Dr. Yoshino's explanation is about the Japanese, but Filipinos have the same "tradition of rice as a staple food" and are a "maritime nation”.
Most ethnic groups have three types of DNA that can’t be changed.
*Cavalry peoples
*Hunters peoples
*Agrarian peoples
(These differences are also related to differences in national identity)
The essence of DNA doesn’t change over 100 years, even if lifestyle changes.
It changes slowly in units of 1,000 years or 10 million years.
Importantly “What should we eat?” than “What food make Japanese and Filipinos more susceptible to disease?”
*Filipinos used alcohol spray a lot before the pandemic.
But while alcohol disinfectant is effective against bacteria, it is not so effective against viruses.
What is effective is hand washing and Hypochlorite water.
*Viruses are 0.1 micron in size.
Normal masks have a mesh gap of 5 microns
It is 50 times larger.
It can’t prevent viruses from entering the body.
(It’s good way to prevent the spread of the disease)
This kind of information is hard to be informed, isn't it?
And the really important information is…
How to avoid having an underlying disease?
How to avoid lowering the autoimmune system?
Its talking about basic meal.
Everyday life…
*Do you drink sweet Milk tea or Soda?
*Do you eat Chicken and French fried in trans fatty oils?
*Do you eat processed meats/ Bacon, Ham, Sausage, Hamburgers,,,etc.?
*Do you like Bread, Pasta, Ramen?
*Do you eat more than 3 times full meals?
It was not until the Japanese lost World War II and came under American rule that their food changed.
The Philippines since it became under Spanish rule 500 years ago?
After it became under American rule 120 years ago??
In Japan, we hardly ate Bread, Pasta, Ramen, etc. until 1945.
They did not eat flour.
After the war, Wheat flour, Soybean oil, Skimmed milk powder, Dried corn, etc. ..
arrived from the U.S. to help with food shortages.
《Flour》was used for Bread and Noodles.
《Soybean oil》(trans fatty acid) was used to popularize Fried foods.
《Skimmed milk powder》is for the subsequent spread of milk.
Bread, Margarine (trans fat), Fried food, and Skimmed milk are usually on the school lunch menu.
→ These created “dependence”.
Even now, the "Kids set meal" at fast food shop is a business model to make little children dependent..
《Dried corn》
Promotes dairy farming of cows.
For its feed.
Now Japanese beef is a world brand, but this also started after the WWⅡ.
And the custom of drinking milk also started.
Why did the U.S. provide free food aid to the enemy of Japan?
It’s not only voluntary service..
The U.S. had not direct mainland war damage in WW I and II.
There was a surplus of crops produced in the vast land.
That was sent to Japan as well.
In the peace treaty that ended the war.
Free support by several years..
There was also a condition that we continue to buy the stipulated amount from the U.S. in the future.
(And it continues to this day, more than 70 years later..)
And so the “Plan” went forward.
《The plan?》
These are the words of the 33rd President of the United States of America at the time, President Truman.
" We will keep the monkeys (Japanese) in a cage called 'freedom of falsehood.
The only way is to give them some luxuries and conveniences.
And let them open up to Sports, Screens, and Sex (3S policy).
This will turn them away from the truth.
The monkeys are our livestock.
It is only natural for them to contribute to us, their masters.
Therefore, we must ensure that their bodies, which are our property, have a long life span.
We make them sick (with chemicals, etc) and keep them alive.
This way we will continue to reap the harvest.
This is also the mandate of the victorious nation."
“President Truman's words” became an important key phrase that continues to this day.
(Is this only for Japanese ?
These differences in thinking can also be related to ethnic DNA, he says)
Why am I telling you this?
You will find out later.
The main question this time
How can we make our bodies less susceptible to disease?
→ It is to eat as little of the 《3 whites》as possible.
《White sugar》
《White rice》
They all taste good because they are refined.
But the white, refined ones are quickly absorbed and rapidly raise blood sugar levels.
The body releases “insulin” to rapidly lower blood sugar.
This repetitive process damages blood vessels.
“Glycation” in the body progresses and aging is accelerated.
Immunity and self-healing power are also weakened.
The body becomes more susceptible to disease.
It becomes an underlying disease.
In Japan, by far the most common cause of death is “Cancer”.
40 people die every hour.
That is 390,000 people a year.
About one in three annual deaths in Japan is due to Cancer.
This is a four-fold increase in 60 years.
After around 2000, the number of cancer deaths in the U.S. and Europe has been decreasing.
But the number is increasing in both Japan and the Philippines.
This is the cause of death in the Philippines (2016)
*Heart disease 180,000 (per year)
*Stroke 80,000
*Diabetes / Pneumonia 70,000 each
And cancer is also on the rise.
(Actually, it's about the same as the 2-year total of deaths from Covit and Pneumonia deaths per year.)
Diabetics are also increasing in Japan.
A whopping 50 times in 50 years!
One in five people, including children, is suspected to have diabetes.
In the Philippines, it was one in three?
If you put Diesel oil in a Gasoline car..
the engine will malfunction.
Even if the engine breaks down and you go to the repair shop to fix it
if you put diesel oil in it again..
it will break down again.
You should not put diesel in your car!
How about in people?
Again, what you eat makes your body.
And the DNA for a healthy body does not change in a thousand years or so.
Continue to eat a food that does not match ethnic DNA.
→Abnormalities begin to appear in the body.
→Development of the disease
→ Go to a hospital and receive medicine to suppress symptoms.
Many medications are not cures, but rather treatments for the symptoms.
They only relieve symptoms.
(Medicines for infections are effective)
You get sick, go to the hospital, get medicine, and take it.
→ Is it getting better?
→ When you stop taking the medicine, you get sick again.
→ The doctor says, "Why did you stop without permission?
→ Continue to take the medicine after all.
Isn't this the case with many people?
What if you have a chronic underlying disease?
You have to keep taking the medicine.
→ But it will not be cured.
What about Diabetes, Crohn's disease, and Cancer?
→ They do not heal themselves.
That has been the conventional wisdom of medical treatment.
Is that really true?
Take the common cold, for example.
There is no medicine to cure the common cold.
Medicine to stop a cough
Medicine to stop a runny nose
Medicine to lower fever
These are not cures, but only a coping mechanism to stop the symptoms.
《Hippocrates》the father of medical said, "The body has a hundred great physicians”
This must be referring to the body's own immune system!
When you catch a cold, your body produces a fever to boost your immunity.
Cough and runny nose to get the virus out of the body.
Makes the body immobile.
Warns "Get some rest"
Sleep, trusting in your own immune system.
If you overcome it, God's gift to you.
Autoimmunity is renewed.
This is how humanity has survived for tens of thousands of years.
My former customer..
He was an energetic man who said, "I haven't had a single cold in decades!”
But.. he got cancer and died within a year.
We can also eliminate cancer cells by getting a cold and fever.
Depending on the body's constitution, a fever of up to 40°C can have a cleaning effect on the body.
An underlying disease is different from a cold.
It is an accumulation that has been taking its toll on the body for a long time.
Can we just rely on medicine as a coping mechanism?
Don't just leave it to others.
It is the same as the story of a car.
Even if you fix a problem, don't repeat the cause.
Dr. Yoshino tells the.. behind the Scenes of Medical care..
The standard value of "If it exceeds this value, it is a disease”.
If the standard value is lowered just a little..
add tens of thousands of patients(?) will increase.
Even if there are no subjective symptoms, medicine can be prescribed..
Verification of a group of people in many European countries who had a medical checkup (group 1) and a group who did not go to the hospital until they developed the disease (group 2).
The group 2 had a 50% longer healthy life expectancy.
In other words, those who did not use medicine until they confirmed that they were sick lived longer.
(What you think of these results is up to you)
If you or a family member has a serious sickness and you decide to use a medication, you should also examine the “side effects” of that medication.
《Japanese people are actually very sick ⁉︎》
Japanese people are entitled to free health checkups.
→ Sometimes a doctor will tell you that your "numerical values are abnormal" even though you are not sick yet.
And then they prescribe medicine.
If you take the medicine without checking what it is by yourself, you may reduce the number of "hundred great doctors" in your life?
Japan is also the number one consumer of medicines in the world.
Japan spends 50 trillion yen on healthcare every year.
But the number of sick people is increasing.
Who is profiting from this?
(Not Japanese pharmaceutical companies..)
Are they really sick?
Abnormal value varies from individual to individual depending on gender, body size, age, and living environment..
Does it depend on the reference value of 'you are sick' to increase or decrease the number of sick people?
Japan has the highest average life expectancy in the world.
But there is a big problem with “healthy life expectancy”.
The number of bedridden elderly people is also the highest in the world.
(President Truman's words !?)
The number of suicides among young people is also the highest in the world.
I will explain how this is related to food later, but I hope it will not be the same in the Philippines.
A sorry tale of the tasty food we usually eat.
【Wheat flour】
Wheat contains two proteins, “Glutenin” and “Gliadin”.
Glutenin is elasticity, Gliadin stickiness.
When water is added to them and kneaded, they become elastic and sticky ‘Gluten” proteins.
The texture of Pasta, Ramen, and Bread is due to this Gluten.
The word Gluten is derived from "Glue”.
It also clings to the intestines..
Wheat dose not suit the constitution of more than 80% of Japanese.
I suspect Filipinos are about the same?
1) Wheat allergy
When Gluten enters the body, antibodies react to it as a “foreign invader”.
Inflammatory substances such as “Histamine” are produced.
→ Skin itching, Urticaria, Sneezing, Runny nose, Abdominal pain, Diarrhea, Throat discomfort, Breathing difficulties, ,etc
2) Gluten sensitivity
Sometimes, reactions appear after several days.
Because of the time delay, the cause may be unknown.
→ Headache, Dizziness, Depression, Fatigue, Emotional instability, Atopic dermatitis, Asthma,, etc
3) Autoimmune diseases
75% of immune cells are produced in the intestine.
When Gluten enters the intestine, it is attacked as a foreign substance.
Every day eat of Gluten, damages the intestine and reduces nutrient absorption.
→ Chronic diarrhea and pain, Chronic fatigue, lrritable bowel syndrome,, etc
4) Brain instability.
When Gluten is digested in the stomach, a Morphine like substance called "Exorphin" is produced.
This is similar to a drags in the brain and produces a Happiness feeling.
Then after a while the mood goes down → Anxiety, Sadness, etc.
And you’ll want to eat Guluten again..
This is “Wheat dependence” and it also causes mental instability.
Exorphins are also immune disruptors.
I also love Pandesal.
It originally means 'salt bread'.
The Filipino one is a bit sweet.
I was surprised when I saw the recipe!
It is full of white sugar..
And don't think of sweet bun as bread.
It is a mass of Sugar, Food additives, and Trans fat !
And Croissants.
Real ones are expensive and have a short expiry because of the Butter used.
Cheap and long-lasting ones are made with Margarine, which doesn’t goes moldy.
(Margarine → Trans fatty acids)
Wheat is also high in a carbohydrate called “Amylopectin A”.
→ Blood sugar levels fluctuate wildly.
→ Active oxygen in the body causes inflammation.
→ Carcinogenicity
Continuous intake of wheat every day causes increase of “Candida” in the intestines.
Other bad bacteria also proliferate.
Wheat has a history of 15,000 years.
A people with DNA that has been eating bread for thousands of years would be fine.
But we grew up in a completely different environment than wheat, where “Rice” was the staple food.
After all, many Japanese and Filipinos do not fit in.
When the component “Whey” is digested, it produces “Exorphins” the same as flour.
→ Dependence, and Carcinogenicity.
Breast and cervical cancers are more common in countries where people eat a lot of dairy products.
Also, “Casein” protein causes menstrual irregularities and dysmenorrhea in many people.
Milk “Calcium” for Osteoporosis?
The DNA of the maritime peoples provided a good balance of calcium, “Phosphorus” and “Magnesium” from small fish etc.
This builds strong bones.
《What about cheese?.. Yogurt?》
There are good effects such as lactic acid bacteria.
But there are more bad effects that put a burden on the body.
Even in Europe, the Middle East, and other peoples who have been strong in dairy products for a long time.
But “Is milk the cause?” diseases seem to be on the increase.
In the first place, people started drinking cow's milk in modern times.
Originally, they drank Goat's milk.
Cows are larger animals than humans.
The ingredients are designed to make the baby grow up to be as big as possible as quickly as possible.
Originally, it is not suitable for humans.
In additional, as the world's population has increased, chemistry has advanced.
How to produce milk efficiently and in large quantities?
→ Use “Estrogen” and other Hormones in cows.
→The cows in a pseudo-pregnant state and make them produce more milk...
Not only cows, but antibiotics, vaccines, etc… are often mixed in their feed to prevent them from getting sick.
These products are already different from what they used to be.
There is a reason why cheap products are cheap.
And, talking unsweetened【Sugar】story..
Excessive intake of sugar and sweet stuff also blood sugar levels to rise and fall rapidly.
→ Stress on blood vessels, inflammation in the body
→ Increased susceptibility to disease.
Sweetness, not just sugar, produces “Dopamine” in the brain.
Like Exorphins, "Oh, happiness !” emotion.
This too can lead to a drugs-like state of dependence.
And afterwards, you feel depressed.
And again, the craving for sweets...
It also lowers the immune system and makes the mind unstable.
“Sweet foods are good for the brain!”
"Eat something sweet when you use your brain!"
This is Propaganda!
When your brain is tired,, get some sleep.
Speaking of sweet, Yak◯lt in Japan is a favorite of Filipinos.
Everyone in the Philippines loves it!
The Lactobacilli are good for your intestines!
Many people drink it every day for health!
Better than milk tea or soda, of course, but
I don't drink it, nor do I recommend it.
And as with the "3 whites," avoid “Trans fats” as much as possible!
These are vegetable-derived but artificially processed oils.
It is cheap, can withstand high temperatures, and can be used many times.
→ Used for deep frying and stir-frying
→ Used as Margarine instead of Butter because it is inexpensive and doesn’t goes rod.
→ Emulsify with water and surfactant (detergent) → Ice, Cake, Coffee cream..
In the body, it is transformed into “Aldehydes”.
Oxidizes cellular tissue.
Also causes inflammation in the body.
Vascular damage
Accelerated aging
Increased risk of carcinogenesis…
In the U.S., the addition of Trans fats to foods will be banned after 2018.
Many European countries will also ban them.
Japan also banned?
Not only Trans fats, but other food additives are being deregulated.
It is not only additives.
“Genetically modified foods” which we don't know what will happen to the next generation in a few years or decades, have also been eased.
Some foods are banned for consumption in the U.S. but allowed for export.
【Permitted Types of Food Additives】
U.S.A. 133
Germany 64
France 32
United Kingdom 21
Japan is ...
1,500 ‼︎
(What about the Philippines?)
Japan has relaxed not only Food additives but also “Pesticide” use.
Why ??
→Banned by white countries.
→ Still have large amounts in stock.
And it's a lucrative business.
→Selling to countries of color.
Especially Japan is still treated as a “Defeated country”..
Still listens to the orders of the victorious nations.
And still have money.
Oh my.. President Truman's words !
100 year plan !?
Food additives, Chemical pesticides,etc..create cancer, etc.. not Genetics.
And cancer cures sell (very expensive..)
What if, in fact, the same group of companies are making a lot of money making both?
(You can find out by looking up the shareholders)
【The numbers don't lie】
Data from countries where policies were split between regulation and deregulation after about 2000.
Countries where cancer, diabetes, etc. decreased ( U.S, etc)
And countries where the number has increased (Japan, etc)
This gap is widening.
Unfortunately, the Philippines has also seen an increase.
【What should we do?】
Gluten, Dairy, White sugar, and Trans fats are all in
Cakes, Cookies, and my favorite, Chocolate..
The worst foods of all are “Doughnuts, which are fried in hot Trans fatty oils and coated full of sugar, food additives..
“I've been losing my hair a lot lately..
so do you recommend any good shampoos or hair growth lotion ?
Are there any good products in Japan??”
Sometimes asked by my customers.
(“Important ! home care advice ” will be given to you at the Salon )
Shampoos and hair growth products only are not very effective.
Pharmaceuticals are effective, but they can disrupt the balance in the body, so care must be taken.
Yes, the balance (health) in the body is important !
Hair thinning, Hair loss, Scalp abnormalities..
This is because vitality is not reaching the ends of the body.
Aging may be the cause, but sudden changes may be a warning from the body?
Do you working too hard?
Do you consider the balance of food?
Do you sleeping well?
Supplements and other products also good
but take care of the your inner self ! rather that what you add to it.
【In the past two years and a few months】
Especially in the year 2022
I thought, "Huh? I knew something was wrong" and I took the time to look into it.
Pandemic → Lockdown → Vaccines
War → Energy problems → Inflation
Environmental issues → SDGs
And the already looming Food crisis…
Who's profiting?
What? Aren't they the same people?
Do some research and you'll get your own ideas.
【Food is the source of life】
New treatments are being developed one after another, but the number of sick people continues to increase.
The latest medical treatments are extremely expensive!
The most important thing is to get information on how to "Avoid getting sick".
And to extend your healthy life span without getting sick.
I would be happy if you could find this information useful.
But …
I also eat Bread and my favorite Ramen once in a while!
(Twice a week on flour day, etc.)
When I go to Cafe, I bring “COCO sugar” a Filipino specialty.
(I try not to look at Cakes and Donuts..)
When I cook for myself, it is all “Brown rice”.
If everything is bad,, it’s not fun !
I have come to think about the balance between "living healthy" and "living happily”.
Even when I go out to eat with someone.
I never say, "I don't eat this kind of food !”
I say, "This is delicious !” and I chew my food well.
【I chew and eat well】
→ One of my "hundred great doctors" (enzymes?) He will do something about it(?)
〜In addition to the above〜
The Philippines and “3In-One Coffee” story..
This is not just a story about the Philippines.
“Caffeine” in coffee (Arousal) + Sugar (False happiness and dependence)
By serving this to workers, can we make them work longer hours every day?
Once upon a time, when European countries were colonizing Asia and South America
used this a lot.
The Spanish empire swept into the Philippines 500 years ago and brought it under their control.
They use Filipinos to make sugar cane, hemp, etc.
Rather than whip them to work.
Make them think, "When I go to work, I get sweet coffee😚."
Brain science has not yet been established at this time.
(When give them sweet coffee, they work better!)
wonder if it was like that?
Is the remnant of that still very popular 《3in Coffee》?
(Search for "Atlantic Triangle Trade" and you'll find some terrible stories 😥)
By the way, brown sugar is often found in cafes in the Philippines.
Most of them are made of White sugar colored with caramel coloring.
And the cream is not milk!
Almost all of them contain trans fats!
Instant coffee (dry powder) is
2/3 of the active ingredients of coffee are gone.
If you're going to enjoy coffee, get something that isn't instant!